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Kia Ora
Welcome to Beachlands South

Beachlands has evolved from an early beach settlement to an expanding coastal community

Beachlands South provides an opportunity to plan and deliver a world class master-planned development in a coordinated way.  It will offer modern, high-quality housing choices and lifestyles, as well as areas for new schools, a village centre, and places for local businesses in a manner that is sustainable, enhances the natural environment, supports the local community, and contributes to the wider Auckland region.

Our Vision

Beachlands South is a place defined by its symbiotic relationship with the natural environment. Seamlessly extending and connecting with the existing town of Beachlands, it draws upon the existing rural coastal character of the area. It is an innovative, regenerative and low-impact development that is sustainable and resilient and will thrive for many generations.



Working with Mana Whenua

We are partnering with tangata whenua Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki.

Ngāi Tai exercise mana whenua and mana moana responsibilities at the Kahawairahi – Kauriwhakiwhaki (Beachlands) area.

Our collective relationships with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki predate the establishment of the Beachlands South Limited Partnership and have been mutually strengthened during the course of the master planned approach.

Our master planning has enabled greater alignment with the environmental, social, and cultural aspirations of mana whenua.

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki have and will be fully engaged during the plan change process as well as horizontal and vertical development anticipated across the whenua (land).

About Us

Beachlands South represents a unique opportunity to plan and deliver a world class master-planned destination in Auckland.

The project will be developed by the New Zealand Government Crown entity, the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation Fund, and parties associated with the Russell Property Group – collectively known as Beachlands South Limited Partnership.

The partnership is exploring exciting opportunities for the site with any future plans and associated infrastructure improvement to be developed in consultation with the local community for the benefit of Beachlands and Auckland as a whole.

About Russell Property Group

The Russell Property Group (RPG) is part of the Russell Group of Companies, one of New Zealand’s largest privately owned and operated construction and property organisations. The Group is 100% New Zealand owned and has operated successfully for over 50 years. RPG prides itself on successful partnerships in construction and property development. RPG was established in 2010 and collaborates with investment partners to optimise a property’s full potential, through design, investment, build and management.

About NZ Super Fund

The NZ Super Fund is a NZ$58 billion global investment fund established by the New Zealand Government to help pre-fund universal superannuation. A long-term, growth-oriented investor, the Fund has more than $8 billion invested in New Zealand, including significant stakes in Kaingaroa Timberlands, Kiwibank, Datacom, Fidelity Life and NZ Gourmet and APHG (LabTests), along with a portfolio of rural land, more than $1b invested in listed New Zealand equities, and significant commitments to funds supporting small and medium sized local companies.

About Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki (Ngāi Tai) are original inhabitants and Iwi of Tāmaki Makaurau. The Iwi is based in Maraetai, the Waitematā and Tikapa Moana, and exercises mana whenua and mana moana interests across Auckland and the Hauraki Gulf. Its marae are Umupuia and Whataapaka. Ngāi Tai has whakapapa and other relationships with all Iwi in the region and beyond into Waikato, Hauraki and the East Coast. The Ngāi Tai Treaty of Waitangi claims settlement was enacted in July 2018. Iwi entities have ownership responsibilities for approximately $30 million of assets including Macleans College alongside Hāpai, and various property developments. Its entities are undertaking a number of environmental, cultural, social and commercial projects to revitalise the manawa of Ngāi Tai and increase the net monetary worth of tribal members.

About Hapai

Hāpai is a property fund that is unique in Aotearoa being 100% Iwi owned and controlled, and singularly focused on empowering enduring Māori success in the property sector. Hāpai concentrates on combining Iwi capacity with proprietary opportunity to drive the collective growth of the Māori property economy. Hāpai was founded in 2019 by six Iwi, and has since grown to over twenty Iwi investors, to undertake their property investment collectively, enabling scale, diversification and effective execution. Hāpai’s investment mandate covers commercial investment property, housing (build-to-rent and retirement villages) and development property (land and residential development). The Hāpai portfolio includes eight commercial properties, over 200 residential BTR properties under development, alongside over 750 residential sections in the development pipeline.

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    This site will be updated through the plan change process.